Title: Charlie Chaplin
Composer: David Friedman
Content: One Part (pdf, 136 KB)
Genre: Classic (Jazz)
Year: 2018
Players: One
Level: medium difficult
Instruments: Marimba
“This piece for solo marimba was commissioned by Eriko Daimo for the 30th anniversary of Marimba One. Eriko premiered the piece on march 23rd, 2018 in Arcata California. The title came to me after i finished the piece. The infectious groove and somewhat jagged phrases and figures reminded me of Charlie Chaplin’s physical movements. When I think of the most important element of this composition, it would be relentless groove, almost till the end. For those of you who are looking for a visual reference to the way this piece should be played, i can recommend Charlie Chaplin’s performance in „Modern Times“ (1936).”